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Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 6.35 mm, 12.7 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 6.35 mm, 19.0 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 6.35 mm, 25.4 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 6.35 mm, 31.8 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 12.7 mm, 19.0 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 12.7 mm, 25.4 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 12.7 mm, 31.8 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 12.7 mm, 50.8 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 12.7 mm, 63.5 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 12.7 mm, 76.2 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 12.7 mm, 88.9 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 50.8 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 63.5 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 76.2 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 88.9 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 100 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 125 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 150 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 175 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 200 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 25.4 mm, 250 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 76.2 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 100 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 125 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 150 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 200 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 250 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 300 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 38.1 mm, 400 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 50.8 mm, 150 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 50.8 mm, 200 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 50.8 mm, 250 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 50.8 mm, 300 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 50.8 mm, 400 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 50.8 mm, 500 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 50.8 mm, 750 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 76.2 mm, 250 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 76.2 mm, 500 mm EFL, 430-700 nm
Achromatic Doublet Lens, Visible, 76.2 mm, 750 mm EFL, 430-700 nm


  • Lens Type
    Achromatic Doublet
  • Lens Shape
  • Antireflection Coating
    430-700 nm
  • Coating Type
    Visible Multilayer
  • Coating Code
  • Damage Threshold
    1.0 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm, 10 ns , 10 Hz
  • Transmission
  • Surface Quality
    40-20 scratch-dig
  • Surface Accuracy, Irregularity
  • Surface Accuracy, Power
    1.5 λ
  • Orientation
    Steepest convex surface should face the infinite conjugate
  • Design Wavelengths
    486.1, 546.1, 656.3 nm
  • Centration
    ≤3 arc min
  • Diameter Tolerance
    +0/-0.1 mm
  • Focal Length Tolerance


Achromatic Lenses

An Achromat, or Achromatic lens, is usually made up of multiple optical elements, which can be air-spaced or cemented together. These typically alternate a positive lens of low index material, such as crown glass, and a negative lens of high index material, such as flint glass. The elements are selected and optimized so that dispersion in the positive element is corrected by the negative element, resulting in minimized chromatic aberration at two well-separated wavelengths. Achromats offer a nearly constant focal length across the visible spectrum, providing superior off-axis performance. Doublet lenses offer users many more design options than singlet lenses, which allows for superior performance in visual imaging and laser beam manipulation applications. Our lenses are computer designed, minimizing aberrations and providing a smaller focused spot size. They are offered with multi-layer or single-layer AR coatings. Standard diameters and focal lengths may be interchanged with our singlet lenses. Further, achromats are available in a wide variety of configurations, including positive, negative, triplet, and aspherized. These lenses are produced as doublets or triplets (three elements). The collimated beam should enter or depart from the surface (R1 in drawing) with higher curvature (smaller radius) for optimized performance.

AR.14 Broadband Visible Antireflection Coating

Our AR.14 broadband multilayer antireflection coating markedly improves the transmission efficiency of these lenses by reducing surface reflections over a 430-700 nm wavelength range. This visible AR coating performs effectively for multiple visible wavelengths and tunable lasers eliminating the need for several sets of optics.

Superior Performance in Monochromatic Applications

Achromats are superior to singlet lenses for monochromatic applications at any visible wavelength. Negative achromatic lenses are used primarily to extend focal lengths, which is often combined with positive achromatic mirror systems and imaging lenses. Generally a diffraction limited spot may be achieved when using a monochromatic source such as laser.

IR Performance

Visible achromats are still usable in the IR, although they are not optimized. An achromat will not be diffraction limited at 1064 nm but performance will still be superior to a singlet lens. At 1064 nm, the focal length of a typical achromat increases by approximately 0.75%. Choosing these optics for image relay or optical processing applications will be more desirable than single element lenses.

Design Wavelengths

Newport's visible achromatic doublet lenses are design around the following visible wavelengths 486.1, 546.1, and 656.3 nm.

We offer a full range of optical lens mounts to meet various experimental requirements. Below lists the recommended mounts for spherical lenses of standard sizes. Please see our Lens Mount Guide for additional information.

Note: besides the diameter, please check the Edge Thickness (Te) specification of the lens and the lens mount to ensure compatibility before purchasing. 

Lens Diameter LH-A-GRP
A-Line™ Lens Mounts
LT Series Lens Tubes
LP Series Lens Positioners
Optics Cage Plus Series
76.2 mm (M-) LH-3A N/A N/A N/A
50.8 mm (M-) LH-2A
38.1 mm (M-) LH-1.5A LT20 lens tube with
LH-2R1.5 adapter
LP-2 lens positioner with
LPLH-1.5T adapter
25.4 mm (M-) LH-1A
12.7 mm (M-) LH-0.5A
6.35 mm LH-05DB with
LH-50R25 adapter
LT05 lens tube with
LH-50R25 adapter
LP-05 lens positioner with
LPLH-25T adapter

For non-standard sizes not listed above, check out our variable size lens mounts.