Technical Notes

Technical Notes

Fundamentals of Spatial Filtering

Spatial filters provide a convenient way to remove random fluctuations from the intensity profile of a laser beam. This greatly improves resolution — which is especially critical for …

Technical Notes

Thermopile Sensor Physics

Thermopile sensors are based on thermocouples. A thermocouple consists of two dissimilar metals connected in series. To detect radiation, one metal junction is typically blackened to …

Technical Notes

Pyroelectric Sensor Physics

A pyroelectric crystalline material has electric polarization even in the absence of an applied voltage. On heating, the material expands and produces a change in the polarization which …

Technical Notes

Photodiode Sensor Physics

A photodiode sensor consists of a semiconductor p-n junction. Light falling on the junction causes the formation of electron-hole pairs. In photovoltaic mode, the electron-hole pairs …

Technical Notes

Polarization Control with Optics

Precise control of polarization behavior is necessary to obtain optimal performance from optical components and systems. Characteristics such as reflectivity, insertion loss, and beamsplitter …

Technical Notes

UAV Imaging Systems

When equipped with high-performance thermal imaging systems, UAVs, also known as drones, lend themselves to a wide range of defense, government, and commercial applications.

Technical Notes

Variable Laser Attenuators

Variable laser attenuators consist of essentially two optical components, a half waveplate, and a polarizer with a good extinction ratio, and allow for continuous power control for …

Technical Notes

Types of Lasers

激光器通常以其增益介质来识别,以产生受激辐射的辐射物质进行分类。这些辐射物质包括稀薄气体中的原 子和分子,以相对较低的浓度溶解在液体溶液中的有机分子,半导体材料,以及晶状固体或者掺杂高浓度离子的 玻璃类的介电材料。这些激光器通常被称为气体、液体、半导体和固体激光器。正如第I.A.1 节所述,辐射物质的 浓度对介质能级的形成有重要作用。转之,这些能级会决定光学泵浦跃迁、粒子数反转结构、激光辐射波长以及 …

Technical Notes

Optical Emission in Semiconductor Materials

Electron-hole recombination processes give rise to spontaneous emission in an LED and stimulated emission in a laser diode.

Technical Notes

Radiometric Measurement

Radiometry is the measurement of energy or power in electromagnetic radiation fields or light. The average output power is the most common radiometric measurement since many light sources, …

Technical Notes

Photoreceiver Characteristics

The characteristics of such high-speed photoreceivers as well as their associated applications are the subjects of this technical note.

Technical Notes

Types of Photoreceivers

The main types of photoreceivers are those that can detect optical signals with fast temporal responses or those containing high frequency components.

Technical Notes

Optical Mirror Physics

Optical mirrors consist of metallic or dielectric films deposited directly on a substrate such as glass, differing from common mirrors, which are coated on the back surface of the …

Technical Notes

Optical Filter Characteristics

In addition to being deposited on the surface of an optical component, optical coatings can also be incorporated into a single element through deposition on one or many substrates followed …

Technical Notes

Optical Lens Physics

Lenses are essentially light-controlling elements and so are exploited for light gathering and image formation.

Technical Notes

Optical Table System Design

The term optical table system typically refers to a vibration-isolation system, that is, the tabletop plus the support system.

Technical Notes

Optical Transceiver Physics

OE converters typically employ photodiodes to absorb incoming photons and convert them into electrical current. Photodiodes are devices in which p-type, n-type, and intrinsic semiconductors …

Technical Notes

Optical Fiber Alignment

Good fiber alignment produces the highest coupling efficiency and therefore the least signal loss before assembly or packaging of an optical system.

Technical Notes

Solar Light Simulation

The surface temperature of the sun is approximately 5800 K; this means that the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation from the sun is similar to that of a 5800 K blackbody with the …

Technical Notes

Tunable Incoherent Light Sources

The TLS is versatile, being both a broadband and high-resolution monochromatic light source which makes it suitable for applications such as the study of wavelength-dependent chemical …

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