

Fiber Optic Basics

Optical fibers are circular dielectric wave-guides that can transport optical energy and information. They have a central core surrounded by a concentric cladding with slightly lower …


Light Collection and Systems Throughput

This discussion is restricted to the general use of Incoherent Light Sources, such as arc lamp or quartz tungsten halogen sources. Diffraction and coherent effects are excluded. The …


Laser Diode Technology

Low-power laser diodes come in a variety of packages. Most have a monitor photodiode integrated with the laser diode. Generally, laser diodes emit light from both ends of their cavity. …


Optical Power Measurement

When a photon hits the photodiode material, it may generate an electron-hole pair depending on the quantum efficiency of the device. Quantum efficiency is dependent on many factors, …


PMManager™ Power Meter Application Software

PMManager is a powerful application software controlling and taking measurement data, compatible with models 1919-R, 843-R-USB, 844-PE-USB and 845-PE-RS.


Introduction to Polarizers

The interaction of light with the atoms or molecules of a material is wavelength dependent. A consequence of this dependence is the resonant interactions related to material dispersion. …


Introduction to Waveplates

The interaction of light with the atoms or molecules of a material is wavelength dependent. A consequence of this dependence is the resonant interactions related to material dispersion. …


Photonic Crystal Fiber Basics

Photonic crystal fibers are generally divided into two main categories: Index Guiding Fibers that have a solid core, and Photonic Bandgap Fibers that have periodic microstructured elements …


Getting Light into a Monochromator

In this section we give a brief introduction to getting light into a monochromator, and how much you can expect to get out. While the emphasis is on coupling Oriel Light Sources to …


Polarization in Fiber Optics

A beam of light can be thought of as being composed of two orthogonal electrical vector field components that vary in amplitude and frequency. Polarized light occurs when these two …


Introduction to Solar Radiation

Radiation from the sun sustains life on earth and determines climate. The energy flow within the sun results in a surface temperature of around 5800 K, so the spectrum of the radiation …


Introduction to Positioning Equipment

This tutorial introduces opto-mechanical component design basics and will familiarize the reader with the issues that need consideration in the selection of the most commonly used tabletop …


Calculating Output Power

You can estimate the power in the collimated beams* at any wavelength or in any wavelength range from our Series Q, Apex, or Research Lamp Housings with any of our CW and pulsed arc, …


Resolution of Monochromators and Spectrographs

Gratings are available in various groove densities (i.e. lines/mm). Higher groove densities give higher reciprocal dispersion and therefore higher resolution. The grating dispersion …


Fundamentals of Vibration

Vibration and vibration isolation are both intimately connected with the phenomenon of resonance and simple harmonic motion. A simple example of harmonic motion is a mass connected …


Laws of Radiation

Everything radiates and absorbs electro-magnetic radiation. Many important radiation laws are based on the performance of a perfect steady state emitter called a blackbody or full radiator. …


How the Picomotor Actuator Works

The Picomotor's actuator relies on the basic difference between dynamic and static friction. A graphic example of this is the “tablecloth trick,” in which a quick pull of the cloth …


Environmental Vibration Criteria

These generic criterion curves have been developed on the basis of data from individual systems and measurements made in facilities both before and after vibration problems had been …


Fiber Optic Communication Basics

The theoretical bandwidth of optical fiber transmission in the 1550 nm window alone is on the order of terabits. Current fiber optic systems have not even begun to utilize the enormous …


Understanding the Compliance Curve

No actual structure is a perfectly rigid body - all structures vibrate by flexing and twisting. The response of structures to random vibrations can be quite complicated because they …

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