Compare Model Drawings, CAD & Specs Wavelength Range Coating Code Availability Price
488 nm NP.22
532 nm NP.24
632.8 nm NP.25
780 nm NP.27
830 nm NP.28
1064 nm NP.29
1550 nm NP.31


  • Diameter
    25.4 mm
  • Material
    Grade A N-BK7
  • Antireflection Coating
    R <0.5%
  • Angle of Incidence
  • Orientation
    Beam should enter surface marked with an arrow
  • Reflection
    50 ±5%, independent of polarization
  • Transmission
    50 ±5%, independent of polarization
  • Polarization
    S- and P-polarization components matched to within 5%
  • Wavefront Distortion
    ≤λ/10 at 632.8 nm over the clear aperture
  • Damage Threshold
    500 W/cm2 CW, 0.5 J/cm2 for 10 ns 1064 nm pulses, typical
  • Surface Flatness
    ≤λ/10 at 632.8 nm over the clear aperture
  • Surface Quality
    15-5 scratch-dig
  • Diameter Tolerance
    +0/-0.13 mm
  • Thickness
    6.1 mm
  • Thickness Tolerance
    ±0.38 mm
  • Wedge
    30 ±15 arc min
  • Clear Aperture
    > central 80% of diameter
  • Chamfers
    0.5 mm face width
  • Chamfers Angle Tolerance
    45° ±15°
  • Durability
    MIL-C-675C, moderate abrasion million cycles
  • Cleaning


Laser Line Beamsplitter Construction

Our laser line non-polarizing beamsplitters exhibit exceptional performance in higher power applications, where cemented cube beamsplitters fail. Manufactured from high precision N-BK7 material to minimize wavefront distortion, this optic has a slight wedge to help eliminate back reflections to the laser. The front surface is coated with a multilayer all dielectric non-polarizing beamsplitter coating optimized for a specific laser line. The back surface is coated with a multilayer dielectric antireflection coating to minimize surface reflection losses and eliminate ghost images.

Better than Broadband Dielectric Beamsplitters

Unlike broadband dielectric beamsplitters, which are extremely polarization sensitive, Newport's laser-line non-polarizing beamsplitters are insensitive to the polarization of an incoming beam. The polarization components are matched to within 5%. Near zero absorption from these dielectric beamsplitters results in a true 50/50 split and high damage threshold, regardless of the incoming polarization.

N-BK7 Substrates

N-BK7 is an excellent lens material for most visible and near infrared laser line applications. It is the most common borosilicate crown optical glass, and it provides great performance at a good value. Its high homogeneity, low bubble and inclusion content, and straightforward manufacturability make it a good choice for transmissive optics.